Sunday, May 18, 2014

Herb Classes in Dallas!

Herb Classes in Dallas!
 Hey there DFW folks. I'd like to announce my summer herbal classes for 2014.
Herbal Medicine Series
7 June It's only Natural! Herbalism 101
14 June Herbal First aid for Life's hard knocks
21 June Achoo! Herbs for Colds ad minor illness
28 June What do Women Want? Herbs for Women
5 July Making Herbal Medicines $40
12 The Beauty of Nature, Skincare and Herbs
19 July Booze you can Use: Elixirs, cordials and other Spirited delights -suggested donation $ 25
all classes $35 12-2pm
location in East Dallas, exact location will be given upon pmnt
 These classes will be a fun, engaging introduction to the world of herbal medicine and health in the Wise Woman Tradition. Come on out and you too could have your very own stash of stuff in jars!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome! I would love to see some of your stuff!!
